+27 12 941 0255 [email protected]



AQ-300, 4k Ultra High-end Video Endoscpy System

4K, The Future of Endoscopy is here. With a 4k Display and the 4k Processor, the AQ-300 offers an improved endoscopic image, to advance your diagnosis.

By integrating 4K ultra-high definition image technology into flexible endoscopes, we have overcome the limitations of pixelation and achieved a clearer observation of mucosal and vascular structures. The AQ-300, with its higher pixel count, expanded CBI optical staining modes, new interactive platform, and user-friendly upgrades, will greatly enhance the image quality and user experience in endoscopy. Moreover, it will offer practical solutions for various clinical requirements, including precise detection of small lesions, endoscopic surgical treatment, and early cancer prevention.

AQ-200, Video Endoscpy System

Enhanced Compatibility
The all-new AQ-200 Elite boasts powerful compatibility, suitable for multiple clinical departments including gastroenterology, otolaryngology, and respiratory medicine. It offers more flexible and comprehensive endoscopic diagnosis and treatment solutions.

AQ-100, Full HD Endoscpy Solution

Full HD Resolution Images – VGT/VCC series endoscopes compatible with AQ-100 image processor, capable of outputting images with a resolution of 1920*1080P, ensuring higher quality images and more accurate color reproduction. Clear and sharp clinical images help in observing more mucosal details.